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Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Saints preserve us said Mrs. Gurvis!

We made it through the night at the Trails End RV Park, and hit the road early. We have only about 310 miles planned for our travels today. Tonight we would be staying at the Yosemite Pines RV, and make ready for our tour of Yosemite National Park the following day. This will be the highlight of the whole trip.
The drive down through Northern California was uneventful except for the scenery; it was magnificent. One item of special note was Mt. Shasta. By traveling down through Central Oregon on Hwy 97, you are treated to an entirely different view than you get from I-5. You have a closer approach and there are some stunning views of the mountain. There was one particular turnout that really had an outstanding view. We pulled into the viewpoint, parked the truck and I got out the camera. I framed the shot, braced myself against the truck, and whirrrr, click, ftzzz……..”Batteries need charging”. Oh well, I saw it and you can imagine just how amazing that shot would have been had I been able to take it.
Our final trial of the day was to be the approach to our campground. The book says there is a “steady 6-7% climb for over six miles”. Translated into real terms, this means you will be climbing up the side of a barn for the next hour and a half. I’ve never been up a hill this steep. It just went on and on and on. There was a sign about halfway up that says “Turn off air-conditioned to help prevent overheating”. Good advice, but I still see cars pulled over to the side with steam coming out of their hoods.
Despite this obstacle, the ol' Chevy Duramax Diesel made the climb with no trouble at all; thank goodness
We made it into the campground, parked and set up the rig, and even had had time to make the acquaintance of another RV’ing couple from Idaho Falls, Idaho.

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